Sunday 5 March 2017

Woman. Her consent.

This nagging thought “Am I safe? Am I – really?” at the back of my head each time I am out on the road, extra-cautious steps through the lonely corridors of my apartment, the sense of relief as I close the doors behind me –phew! And then I get to read about women being attacked by outsiders, in their own homes. Now, a random noise near the door in the middle of the night gets me thinking about escape routes, possible weapons to fight and my chances of survival!

Having said that, none of this stops me from living my life in my own terms. Nevertheless, I am constantly on the lookout for that predator. And that is not the best state to be in.

This is easily the story of every girl/woman out there.

Which is that safe haven for a woman where she will not be constantly worried about a potential assault, an attack on her dignity and her right to freedom and possibly shamed by the society for rest of her life?

By the way, anyone who is even considering entertaining the thought that all-of-this-only-because-she-is-unmarried, please do me a favor – drink some extra water and swallow it right away!

Now, onto the part that we always revel in answering- WHY. What is the trigger for these tragic episodes? Everything from her clothes to personality to profession to friends to lifestyle to looks. For that matter, it could even be the food she ate that day! But definitely not the molester or rapist or anything remotely connected to him.  

To anyone who talks to me on the lines of “Oh, the kind of clothes girls wear these days – this is inevitable!” this is my stock reply:
1.      Two year olds (or even younger) are raped and killed in this country.
2.      I get the worst leeching stares from men when I go out wearing a saree, irrespective of the environment.
Now, let’s talk.

No level of punishment or outrage-in-social-media will help cure this disease. Only when a woman is convinced that she cannot and should not be blamed for acts that violate her world, can we hope to see a difference.

Let me just say this one last thing which to me is a case of blessing and curse in an uncomfortable marriage and end my rant: Not all men think short clothes/alcohol justify sexual assault on women. Not all women think there is zero justification for it.